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Annual Vegetable Oil Extraction Short Course June 02-05, 2025 (Practical Videos Will be Included in Various Presentations)
4:40 PM | Registration at Hilton Garden Inn |
5:30 PM | Course Briefing |
6:00 PM | Dinner (Optional) |
7:40 AM | Bus leaves hotel for Fats and Oils R&D Center |
8:10 AM | Safety and environmental overview – R. Barton |
9:10 AM | Seed cleaning – R. Schneider |
10:10 AM | Storage and reclaim considerations for meals and grains - J. Reed |
11:10 AM | Break |
11:15 AM | Cracking and Dehulling – R. Barton |
12:15 PM | Group Photo and Lunch |
1:15 PM | Expanders/Extruders used for oil seeds preparation – R. Barton |
2:00 PM | Rotary Cookers and Conditioners – D. Madueno |
3:00 PM | White flake desolventization system – R. Ozer |
4:00 PM | Break |
4:10 PM | Solvent extraction fundamentals – D. Madueno |
5:10 PM | Course Adjourn. Bust leaves for the hotel. |
7:40 AM | Bus leaves for Fats and Oils R&D Center |
8:10 AM | Miscella distillation and solvent recovery - J. Slater |
9:10 AM | Meal and hull processing – I. Hall |
10:10 AM | Break |
10:15 AM | Hot dehulling – B. MacKinnon |
11:15 AM | Solvent extraction safety– J. Slater |
12:15 PM | Lunch break |
1:15 PM | Flaking meal optimization – I. Hall |
2:15 PM | Heat exchangers – S. Harris |
3:15 PM | Break |
3:20 PM | Desolventizing /Toasting/Drying/Cooling – A. Subieta |
4:20 PM | Vegetable protein concentrates – R. Ozer |
5:20 PM | Course adjourn and the bus leaves for the hotel |
7:40 AM | Bus leaves Hotel for Fats and Oils R&D Center |
8:10 AM | Electrical safety in workplaces - B. Kooiman |
9:10 AM | Decanter and disc bowl centrifuge in oil seed processing – C. Renth |
10:10 AM | Break |
10:15 AM | Rotary stem dryers - A. Subieta |
11:15 AM | GRADUATION LUNCH (Diplomas will be provided- Must Attend) |
1:00 PM | Quality control of oil seeds/vegetable oil and equipment demonstration - S. Watts |
2:00 PM | Basics of fats and oils chemistry including crude oil processing – M.S. Alam |
3:00 PM | Course adjourn and the bus leaves for the hotel. |
Hilton Garden Inn. at College Station is easily reached by about 10 flights daily. From Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport connects via American Airlines. From Houston Intercontinental Airport connect via Continental Airlines. The airport code for Easterwood Airport is CLL. For courtesy van service or schedule a pickup with (855)303-4415 ) from George Bush Intercontinental airport (IAH) or Houston Hobby airport (HOB).
All lectures and demonstrations will be held at:
Fats and Oils R&D Center LLC.
8412 Parameter Court
College Station, TX 77845
- Adolfo Subieta – Desmet., Jonathan Slater, Desmet., Brent Kooiman, Senior Project
Engineer., Bruce Mackinnon-Crown Iron Works., Diego Madueno – Desmet., Ian Hall
– Application Engineer, CPM Roskamp Champion., Alam, Fats and Oils R&D
Center., Collin Renth, Oil & Fat Mechanical Equipment Manager, GEA, Mechanical
Equipment US, Inc., Mike Schuster-Laidig., Rich Barton, N. Hunt Moore., Robin
Schneider – Buhler., Kevin Shadlock - Crown Iron Works., Scott Harris -Solex., Steve
Hands on Practical Course on Vegetable Oil/Animal Fats/Products Processing including Biodiesel-Biofuel (VOP-2025) July 28-31, 2025
- Registration at Hilton Garden Inn at 4:30 PM
- Course Briefing at 5:30 PM
- Dinner (Optional)
- 7:40 AM Bus leaves hotel for 8412 Parameter Court-College Station TX 77845
- 8:10 AM "Basics of Fats and Oils Chemistry; Factors Affecting Crude Oil Quality" – Dr. M.S. Alam
- 9:30 AM "Vegetable Oil Extraction: Pros and Cons" – O.M. Kondur
- 10:40 AM Break
- 10:45 AM "Use and Benefits of Enzymes in Vegetable Oil Processing" – W. Youngreen
- 11:45 AM Deodorizer Design and Heat Recovery – L. Espinosa
- 12:45 PM Lunch and Group Photo
- 1:00 PM "Degumming of Crude Oils and Basics of Vegetable Refining" – W. Youngreen
- 2:15 PM "Absorptive Bleaching Materials and Processes" – J. Bello
- 3:30 PM Acid degumming and caustic refining demonstration at the pilot plant
- 4:30 PM Bus leaves for hotel
- 7:40 AM Bus leaves hotel for 8412 Parameter Court-College Station TX 77845
- 8:10 AM "Deodorizer design and Heat Recovery" –O. M. Kondur
- 9:15 AM Renewable Fuels-Adsorptive removal of contaminants from fats and oils – T. Hartmann
- 10:30 AM “Centrifuges and Decanters in Vegetable Oil Processing, Design, Operation and Maintenance” – C. Renth
- 12:00 AM Lunch
- 1:00 PM New innovative fats for food applications – Dr. D. Nakhasi
- 2:00 PM "Waste Water Treatment for Fats and Oils Industries "– J. Devine
- 3:00 PM Coffee break
- 3:10 PM “Filtration During Processing” – J. Tengwall
- 4:00 PM Thin Film Evaporation Technology- P. Alasti
- 5:00 PM Demonstration on bleaching of edible oil
- 6:00 PM Bus leaves for hotel
- 7:40 AM Bus leaves hotel for 8412 Parameter Court-College Station TX 77845
- 8:10 AM "Quality Controll of Oil Seeds/Vegetable Oils and Equipment Demonstration" – S. Watts
- 9:10 AM "Hydrodynamic cavitation technology for vegetable oil and biodiesel processing" - TBA
- 10:10 AM Coffee break
- 10:15 AM "Purification of Biodiesel" – B. Cooke
- 11:00 AM Vacuum systems: Operations and troubleshooting” – A. Fris
- 12:00 PM Graduation lunch (must attend-diplomas will be provided)
- 1:30 PM Influence of filter aids on flow hydraulics and adsorption chemistry. – B. Saucier
- 2:30 PM Use of various antioxidants and their chemistry for edible oil protection. N. Senanayake
- 3:30 Fiber Technology for Vegetable oil processing (degumming)- Dr. Scott
- 4:30 PM Deodorization demo of vegetable oil and biodiesel production
- 5:30 PM Course adjourned- Bus leaves for hotel
- 7:00-9:00 PM Fun time at Grand Station Entertainment, College Station, TX 77840 (Optional)
Hilton Garden Inn. at College Station is easily reached by about 10 flights daily. From Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport connect via American Airlines. From Houston Intercontinental Airport connect via Continental Airlines. The airport code for Easerwood Airport is CLL. for courtesy van service or schedule a pickup with ( (855)303-4415 ) from George Bush Intercontinental airport (IAH) or Houston Hobby airport (HOB).
All lectures and demonstrations will be held at:
Fats and Oils R&D Center LLC.
8412 Parameter Court
College Station, TX 77845
Dr. Mohammad S. Alam, Fats and Oils R&D Center.
Dr. Dilip Nakhasi, Zero Acre, USA.
Dr. Namal Senanayake, Camlin.,
Jeremiah Bear, The Dallas Group of America, Inc.,
Jorge Bello, Global Technical Service Manager, EP Engineering.,
John Tengwall, LEEM Filtration.
Orayne M. Kondur, Desmet Ballestra., Leon Espionosa, Desmet Ballestra., Allen Fris, Sr. Sales Engineer., Graham Corporation., Joby Ulahanan, Crystal Filtration., Collin Renth, Oil & Fat Mechanical Equipment Manager, GEA, Darren Litle, President, North America, Desmet Ballestra., Mechanical Equipment US, Inc., Perry Alasti, Artisan Industries., Fahmi Kresmagas, Clariant Incorporation., Jeff Devine, Alfa Laval.
Dr. Scott Kohl-Fibers Technology., William Younggreen, Manager, USA and Canada, Fats and Oils Systems, Alfalaval.
Hands-on Annual Vegetable Oil Frying Course with Live Demonstrations TBA
4:40 PM | Registration, Embassy Suites, College Station. |
5:30 PM | Course Briefing |
6:00 PM | Dinner, Rudy’s BBQ, College Station (Optional) |
7:40 AM | Bus leaves hotel for Fats and Oils R&D Center |
8:10 AM | Basic Chemistry of Oils and Fats – Dr. Alam |
9:30 AM | Oxidative Stability and Shelf Life of Frying Oils and Fats – Dr. N. Senanayake |
10:30 AM | Break |
10:35 AM | Hi-Oleic Oil: Availability, Price, Frying Data and Comparison with other Frying Oils” – B. Stobaugh |
11:35 AM | "Analytical Methods for Deep Frying Assessment”- J. Ulahanan |
12:35 PM | Lunch and Group Photo |
1:35 PM | Formation of 3-MCPD and GE in Frying Oils and their negative health effects – J. Bello |
2:35 PM | Practical Demonstration: Live Frying of French fries with various selected frying oils and sensory evaluation of the fried products along with group discussion. |
5:00 PM | Bus leaves for the hotel |
7:40 AM | Bus leaves hotel for Fats and Oils R&D Center |
8:10 AM | Refining of Frying Oil and why it is Important to Remove Contaminants – J. Bello |
9:10 AM | “Industrial Frying System and the Criteria for Selecting Industrial Fryers” – C. Ryes |
10:10 AM | Break |
10:15 AM | "Frying Oils: Chemistry, Filtration, and Adsorbents" – B. Cooke |
11:15 AM | “Use of Specialty Oils in Deep Frying” – Dr. Alam |
12:15 PM | Graduation Lunch-Diplomas will be handed over. |
1:30 PM | “Acrylamide in Frying Foods- A Concern: Dr. Alam |
2:15 PM | Use of Palm/Red Palm Oil in Deep Frying – Dr. Raznim |
3:15 PM | Practical Demonstration: Frying Battered Chicken in Various frying oils and sensory evaluation of the fried product and oil evaluation |
5:30 PM | Course Wrap-Up; Bus leaves for the hotel |
Easterwood Airport at College Station is easily reached by about 10 flights daily. From Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport connects via American Airlines. From Houston Intercontinental Airport connect via Continental Airlines. The airport code for Easterwood Airport is CLL. To get to the hotel in College Station, participants can call the Hilton (979-693-7500) upon arrival at Easterwood Airport for courtesy van service or schedule a pickup with (855) 303-4415) from George Bush Intercontinental airport (IAH) or Houston Hobby airport (HOB).
All lectures and demonstrations will be held at:
Fats and Oils R&D Center LLC.
8412 Parameter Court
College Station, TX 77845
Trends in Margarine and Shortening Manufacture, Non-Trans Products TBA
- 4:30 PM Registration, Hampton Inn
- 5:15 PM Short Course Orientation: “How To Get The Most Out of a Training Program”
- 5:30 PM Dinner, Rudy’s BBQ (optional)
- 7:40 AM Bus leaves hotel to Rudder Tower, Texas A&M University
- 8:00 AM "Chemistry of Vegetable Oils" – M.S. Alam
- 9:00 AM "Margarines and Spreads: Product Quality and Safety Evaluation” — R. Gnanasambandam
- 10:00 AM Break
- 10:15 AM “Lecithin and Its Application in Margarine and Shortening” - A. Rumayor
- 11:15 AM Group Photo
- 11:30 AM Lunch
- 12:15 PM “Oxidative Stability of Shortenings and Spreads” - M. Hu
- 1:15 PM “Use of Enzymatic Interesterification for the Production of Non-Trans Margarines” – L. Espinosa
- 2:15 PM "Crystalization of Palm Oils" – L. Espinosa
- 2:45 PM Campus/MSC Tour
- 3:45 PM Bus leaves for George Bush Library/Museum Tour
- 5:00 PM Bus leaves for hotel
- 7:40 AM Bus leaves hotel for Fats and Oils R&D Center at 11134 Hopes Creek Road
- 8:00 AM "Crystallization and Processing Technology” – K.F. Hoyer
- 9:30 AM “Functional Ingredients for Margarines and Shortenings” – J. Neddersen
- 10:50 AM "Crystallization of Fats/Crystallizer" – J. Neddersen
- 11:35 AM Break
- 11:45 AM “Quality Preservation Systems in Shortening and Spreads” – B. Binbuga
- 12:30 PM Lunch
- 1:45 PM Demo (Soft tables Margarine) – K.F. Hoyer
- 2:30 PM Break
- 2:45 PM “Global Oils and Fats Supply for Solid Fats/Margarine Production” – F. Hidzir
- 3:45 PM “Oil Palm Sustainability” – T. Tangavelu
- 4:45 PM Bus leaves for hotel
- 7:40 AM Bus leaves hotel for Fats and Oils R&D Center at 11134 Hopes Creek Road
- 8:00 AM "Processing Equipment Evaluation" – A. Sievers
- 9:00 AM Demo (Puff Pastry Margarine) – K.F. Hoyer
- 10:30 AM Break
- 10:45 AM "Introduction to DSC, NMR & TA" – K.F. Hoyer
- 11:45 AM Graduation Lunch
- 2:15 PM Demo (Optimization Trials Table Margarine) – K.F. Hoyer
- 3:15 PM Break
- 3:30 PM “Applications of FT-NIR in Margarine and Shortening Analyses” – J. Hudson
- 4:30 PM Bus leaves for hotel
- 7:40 AM Bus leaves hotel for Fats and Oils R&D Center at 11134 Hopes Creek Road
- 8:00 AM Demo (N2 Incorporation in Margarine/Shortening Products) and (Process Understanding) - K.F. Hoyer/M. Sorensen
- 9:30 AM Break
- 9:45 AM Product Evaluation – K.F. Hoyer
- 10:45 AM Final Remarks and questions from participants – MS Alam
- 11:00 AM Short course Adjourns
Hilton Garden Inn. at College Station is easily reached by about 10 flights daily. From Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport connect via American Airlines. From Houston Intercontinental Airport connect via Continental Airlines. The airport code for Easerwood Airport is CLL. for courtesy van service or schedule a pickup with ( (855)303-4415 ) from George Bush Intercontinental airport (IAH) or Houston Hobby airport (HOB).
All lectures and demonstrations will be held at:
Fats and Oils R&D Center LLC.
8412 Parameter Court
College Station, TX 77845
- Dr. MS Alam, Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University
- Leon Espinosa, Regional Sales Manager, DeSmet Ballestra
- Ravin Gnanasambandam, Principal Scientist-Ingredients Technology; Dairy Foods R&D, Land O Lakes, Inc.
- Klaus Funch Hoyer, Innovation Centre Manager, SPX Flow Technology
- Fairus Hidzir, Regional Manager, MPOB, Washington D.C.
- Dr. Min Hu, Senior Application Scientist, DuPont Nutrition and Health
- John Neddersen, Senior Applications Specialist Ftas & Oils, DuPont Nutrition & Health
- Andres Rumayor, Lipids Area Manager, Palsgaard Mexico
- Alf Sievers, Process Category Sales Manager & Product Development Coordinator Global Fats & Oils, SPX Flow Technology
- Dr. Tiger Tangavelu, Technical Director, Olera Shortening and Oils
- Stacy Williams, Staff, Fats and Oils R&D Center
- Dr. John Satumba, Cargill.
- Brian Cooke, Clariant
- Fairous Hidzir, MPOB